..::aWards fROm ZuL::..

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Zul ko mmg best la. 1st time kenal ko pon aku tgk ko baek sgt2 la ngan junior. weyh xrugi tau kwn ngan zul ni. sesape rs diri 2 solo cari la zul eh. korg pasti xnyesal kalo couple ngan dia la. hahahaha... da la dpt kongsi mslh sesame kn zul. hehehe... aku happy la walaupon dpt kenal ngan ko kejap tp ko mmg bagus la. xlupe mmber. syg ko lebih.. huhuhuhu... lastly aku rs xrugi r dpt mmber cm ko. Buuulllleeeehhhh!!!! thanks coz dpt awards ni.. Hee~

3-send award ni kat mana2 blogger yg kamu suka(unlimited)

Of coz all da VIP [very important PeRson]

1. Aizuddin (my bro)
2. Zul (my best fren)

3. Cik HuDa (college mate)
4. iMah (my cousin)
5. LeyA (my new fren)

p/s: Trime la award yg xseberapa dr diri ku ini.. (ayat xleh blah..). nnti korg jgn lupe yer kasi adiah tuk besday aku eh.. da xlame r... huhuhuhu....

4 Response to ..::aWards fROm ZuL::..

  1. Ruqayyah says:

    am i still ur fren.?

  2. Ruqayyah says:

    heeee,mcmtu leya terima la award tu..huuuu

  3. hu3.. thanx epul.. tharu aku bce ayat ko.. meleleh..

  4. WanNaimah says:

    hoho..menang anugerah..huhu

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